Monday, May 9, 2011

Introduction To The Human Skeleton part 3

One wouldn't think it, but bones are also a storage medium. Our bones are not only made up of calcium, but also store it for use in the body. As mentioned before the bones are the storage container for bone marrow. Our bodies need calcium to complete daily functions properly and the place where we store that calcium is in our bones. Another vital mineral that is stored in the bones is iron. This is stored in the bone marrow of bones. This plays a vital role in our bodies. For red blood cells to work properly they must have iron. Without the iron our red blood cells would not be able to transport oxygen properly in the body, so having a place to store it is very important.

Our bones are also responsible for the regulation of certain hormones in our bodies. This particular hormone is called osteocalcin. This hormone is responsible for the regulation of the sugar in our blood and the depositing of fats. Without our bones producing this hormone our body would not be able to create the things needed to help aid in the digestion of our foods.


The male and female gender in humans have a few differences in the shape of some bones. Females slightly different shaped hips to help accommodate child birth. They also tend to have rounder shapes to most of their bones where as men with have more angular features than women. Also most bones in females are must smaller than those in men. The average height of men in the U.S is 5 feet 9 ½ inches where as the average female is 5 feet 4 inches.

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